Here we hope to keep you updated on what's happening at
Massive Company
on the regular! Thanks for stopping by our blog!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Blair Strang wins 'Outstanding Performance of the Year' for Whero's New Net in Metro's Best of Auckland awards

Congratulations Blair!

Metro Magazine has chosen Blair Strang as outstanding performance of the year in their 2008 best of Auckland Awards, for his performance as Tupo in Massive's production of Whero's New Net, by Albert Belz. The play enjoyed its premiere season earlier this year at the Herald Theatre, and we are looking forward to announcing 2009 tour dates for the show soon. Watch this space for an announcement in the coming weeks as to where you can see Whero's New Net on tour, featuring Blair's award winning performance!

From Metro Magazine- "Strang deftly handled the role with humour, candour and without a scrap of cliche, which had us on the edge of our seat anticipating his next entrance"

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"An open letter to Knife Carriers"- written by Lennie James

Check out this link to a terrific article written by Lennie James for the Guardian Newspaper. Lennie wrote "The Sons of Charlie Paora" for Massive Company, and will return to Auckland in March to begin work with Massive on a new play. Lennie wrote this letter in response to the surge in knife related crime in London. When the article was published in June of this year, 16 teenagers had died as a result of knife crime in 2008 alone.

We are very excited that Lennie is returning to Auckland to work with Massive again, and the new play has the working title "Havoc in the Garden". In the meantime, we thought we would share this article with you. http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2008/jun/08/knifecrime.ukcrime

Welcome to our New Blog!

Welcome to Massive Company's brand new blog!
This is the new hub for Massive Company, where you can stay up to date with all the latest happenings for Massive and our company members. We've got some great things coming up on the blog over the next few months- this will be the place to be to find out the latest information on our national tour of Whero's New Net, which will kick off in July 2009- keep checking the blog for tour updates and news, and be the first to find our where Massive will be on tour in 2009.
In late December, Massive's Artistic Director, Sam Scott, heads to the USA, where she will be teaching a range of workshops- check in with the blog to hear all about Sam's trip.
The blog will also be the best place to find out what all of Massive Company are up to- we'll have regular updates from Company members and friends of Massive.
So, a big Welcome to 'Massive Central', Massive's new home on the web.
James Wilson, Producer